Prophecy Fulfilled
Why is the world so incredibly wicked? Why do seemingly strong members of the Church abandon their faith in favor of the "soothsayers (2 Nephi 12:6)" and the smooth words of Satan? It seems like the "elect" are leaving in droves. You can probably name a handful of friends or family members who have left the Church, right?
What I have learned, and what makes sense to me, is that these are the last days. God is hastening His work and we are having to strengthen our testimonies for ourselves. We are not commanded in everything. We must turn to God in all our decisions and choices. The new "For the Strength of Youth" guide is evidence of this.
As the wheat and tares grow together (D&C 86), harvest season approaches. I believe we are being tested to see how strong we are, to see what we are made of, to see if we will stay on the Lord's side no matter what is growing around us. This is what is supposed to happen. It has all been prophesied.
So what do we do? What I wish we could do is seperate from the world and function as a church-run society somehow. However, in discussions with others and in turning to basic gospel doctrine, I have come to the conclusion that we are meant to be peculiar and we are meant to live together. We are meant to stay firmly planted and stand as a witness of God (Mosiah 18:9). We are to love our neighbors and above all, love God.
We must never stop loving those who choose a new or different way to live. We must never stop standing up for what is right, either. We can do both. We can show love to our friends and family members and still proclaim the gospel of truth.
There is a lot that could be said on this subject, but it all boils down to love- love for others, love for God, love for truth, for God is love, and God is truth. That is all that matters. All I know is that when the wheat is sifted, I want to remain in God's hands.
Wow, brilliant concept about love. Thank you for your thoughtful insights. Great job. I had a good read.