Lessons Learned:
I have learned this week that I don’t have to take
everything everyone says for truth. With this book, Mastery, I enjoyed reading all the concepts and I appreciate the
author, George Leonard’s views and perspectives and wisdom, but I found the
book lacked the perspective of eternity. Yes, the path of mastery is
never-ending, but how do we truly create change in our lives? I believe it is
only through divine help from a loving Heavenly Father that we are able to
change habits and continue practicing (enduring to the end). My testimony of
the gospel was strengthened because of the lack thereof in this book. Who would
have thought?
Lessons Yet to Learn:
I’d really like to be able to apply these principles
to my life in all aspects. I have yet to rid myself of pride and selfishness.
To build lasting, meaningful, joyful relationships, I know I’ve got to jump on
the path whole-heartedly and stick to it.
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