Prophecy Fulfilled Why is the world so incredibly wicked? Why do seemingly strong members of the Church abandon their faith in favor of the "soothsayers (2 Nephi 12:6)" and the smooth words of Satan? It seems like the "elect" are leaving in droves. You can probably name a handful of friends or family members who have left the Church, right? What I have learned, and what makes sense to me, is that these are the last days. God is hastening His work and we are having to strengthen our testimonies for ourselves. We are not commanded in everything. We must turn to God in all our decisions and choices. The new "For the Strength of Youth" guide is evidence of this. As the wheat and tares grow together (D&C 86), harvest season approaches. I believe we are being tested to see how strong we are, to see what we are made of, to see if we will stay on the Lord's side no matter what is growing around us. This is what is supposed to happen. It has all been prop...
My Final Lecture Just start. Let go of doubt and fear, put all your faith into what you believe you were made to do, and start. Decide now who you are and what you stand for. Decide what your purpose in pursuing entrepreneurship will be and go for it. Put your heart into it. Set your sights high on that star and reach it. You can do it. You have the potential. You know it’s right, so go for it. With the right purpose in mind, failures become stepping stones and boost you to the next step. It’s a lifelong process of becoming. It will not happen overnight. Look for people who share your vision, enthusiasm, and drive, but don’t depend on them for all your success. You oversee your business, and nobody will love it like you do. Though valuable relationships are forged along the way, it isn’t worth your life to sacrifice what you know to be true for someone else. In the same breath, trust those with experience. Be humbl...