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Look Outward

Lessons Learned: Finding balance in an entrepreneurial lifestyle seems difficult, but not impossible. I was grateful to learn from many influential people this week that the entrepreneur’s life takes lots of work and brings lots of joy. As long as we don’t give in to the temptation to put our work in front of what really matters, family relationships, appropriate rest, etc., we will be able to balance our lives. Making money is a side effect of the good works we do. I’ve been too concerned with how to get more money. I was speaking with a friend this past week when she said, “I’m at a place where more money won’t affect my happiness. We have enough to take care of our needs and that’s all I want.” I’ve reflected on that every day. I’m not in that position yet, but I’m looking for ways to find contentment and happiness in my current situation. Wealth will not buy my happiness.

Lessons Yet to Learn: I’m so excited to learn what is next. I’m anxious to put into practice the financial fitness plan of Mr. Jim Ritchie. I feel like it is going to take dedication and support from my family, but I know it can work. I’m looking forward to finding my calling. From a movie called, “Robots,” I learned the phrase, “see a need, fill a need.” I’m excited to turn my gaze outward in order to find what the world needs and how my talents can fill those needs. I have been almost consumed with the questions of, “What do I have to offer?” and “what’s my real calling in life?” that I’ve been focused on myself. I think I’ll have greater success in finding myself and my calling if I get out into the world and DO some good. 


§  What is your attitude toward money?
My attitude toward money has been that it causes trouble. I worry that we won’t have enough for our needs. I worry about others who have less. I have thought that it isn’t fair that some people don’t work hard or have an education and get paid more than others who just can’t seem to catch a break, despite their education and efforts. Basically, I’ve been like Brother Gibson’s sister. I have had a negative attitude about money. I feel my attitude toward money changing now. I’m seeing that it isn’t about how much you have, but about how you view it and what you do with it. I know no matter how much money we make, we can use it for good. It is a tool and a blessing.

§  How can your view of money affect the way you live?
I think my bad attitude toward money made me greedy. Since I never felt like I had enough, I’d allocate all our income to ourselves, even when there was a little left over. But when I see money as a blessing and a tool to help others, it’s exciting to “tell it where to go,” as Dave Ramsey says. Brother Gibson says money is powerful, but I think it’s only powerful when the person controlling it assigns it to good things. And where you assign it will depend on how you view it. I think our view of money definitely affects how we handle it and how we live.

§  What rules are recommended for prospering?
From all I’ve read and learned, my list of rules is as follows:
1.   Pay tithing – show your faith in and appreciation for what God has blessed you with
2.   Pay yourself – set some aside in savings
3.   Live within your means – only spend what you have
4.   Budget for giving – don’t spend all you have on yourself
5.   Learn how to invest – put your money to work for you
6.   Teach others – pass along great information to benefit others
Compare these to Brother Gibson’s rules:
1.   Seek the Lord and have hope in him
2.   Keep the commandments, that includes the temporal ones, tithing and fast offerings.
3.   Think about money and plan how you can become self-reliant.
4.   Take advantage of chances for learning so you will not be ignorant of these matters.
5.   Learn the laws upon which the blessing of wealth are predicated
6.   Do not send away the naked, the hungry, the thirsty or the sick or those who are held captive.


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