Lessons learned: My favorite reading from this week’s assignment
was President Dallin H. Oak’s talk, the
Challenge to Become. Having a testimony or simply knowing information does
not qualify us for exaltation. We must do
and act in order to make use of what we
have, and that allows us to reach our potential, as ones possessed with “the
measure of the stature of the fulness of Christ” (Ephesians 4:13). There truly
is a difference in believing something and living what you believe.
Lessons Yet to Learn: From President Oak’s talk, I
found something I truly need to work on. He said, “…we should remember that our
family relationships – even more than our Church callings – are the setting in
which the most important part of that development can occur.” I know I can do
better to develop better relationships with my husband and children. I need to
do better to engage them in “wholesome recreational activities” (The Family: A
Proclamation to the World). Our earthly time is limited, and I have wasted too
much energy on things that won’t matter in the end. I am going to do better to spend
more quality time with my family. After all, they are the most important ones on
this journey with me. I need them. They deserve my very best.
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